Monday, November 19, 2018

Trump thinks Adam shiff is a "little Schitt"

Trump Adam shiff

It is nothing new that Donald Trump condescendingly expresses his political opponents. However, a distasteful tweet about Democrat Adam Schiff is causing indignation.

"Spoof" of the US President is to vile insult to the future chief of the Russia Committee Washington - US President Donald Trump once again caused a stir on Monday with a filthy ride on Twitter. The head of state of the most powerful country in the world calls the democrat Adam Schiff little subtle as "Adam Schitt". Schiff is the future head of the committee in the House of Representatives, which will investigate the links between Trump's election campaign and the Kremlin in 2016.
Concretely, Trump came to terms with Schiff's statement that he saw a problem in that the Attorney General, Matt Whitaker, was not confirmed by the Senate, but had been appointed by Trump. It was "so funny", Trump wrote, that "little Adam Schitt" sees a problem in Whitaker's order, but not that there was no confirmation from the Senate for special investigator Robert Mueller. Of course, it is the case that special investigators do not have to be confirmed by the Senate according to the US constitution, but ministers are very well.
Whitaker's order is also considered particularly controversial because he had already made known in advance, his refusal of the Mueller investigation. There are also some inconsistencies in Whitaker's past, including suspected fraud. That he would be confirmed by the Senate, so is by no means certain.

Trump uses a derisive nickname for Rep. Adam ship in a tweet

President Donald Trump is name-calling Democratic Rep. Adam Ship for saying Matthew Whitaker's appointment as acting attorney general is unconstitutional. Robert Mueller, Who's Investing 2016 Trump's Vote for the Trial and the Trumps.
Especially that Trump Adam Schiff's name - presumably deliberately - misspelled and changed in line with the word "shit" (German: "shit") in "Schitt" causes in the US for indignation. "This is crazy, such an irresponsible leadership has never existed in the United States before," writes a Twitter user about the "disgusting" and "patronizing condescension" of the member of Congress. "No other head of government would have got away with it. Even their followers would have had enough, "agrees another.
What is also controversial to the tweet of the US President: Robert Mueller, who has been working as a special investigator in the Russia affair since mid-2017 and is regularly attacked by Trump, requires in contrast to the Minister of Justice, no confirmation by the Senate and is not one Conflict of interest affected. That had only been decided in August a court.

While individual experts argue that Matthew Whitaker does not need to be confirmed by the Senate in office because he only holds the position temporarily, Adam Schiff considers his appointment unequivocally unconstitutional. "He's obviously an executive incumbent, and the fact that he's just a temporary executive incumbent does not mean he does not need Senate approval," the lawyer explains on the TV show "This Week." "According to the Constitution, a confirmation is necessary. I think they would lose this case if he went to the Supreme Court. "

Trump wanted to make a funny joke, but only managed to show the world the advanced of his senile dementia

Describing Schiff as “little ", Trump did not bother to invent a unique pejorative for the congressman, who will soon preside over the House Intelligence Committee and investigate the outrages of the president and his government.

Schiff, who is five feet and a half and a half tall, deserves a more precise and creative name than Trump could bother to find. Come on, Donald! Put some effort into it!
What fun to see little Donald Trump talking about his invented lies again, but without mentioning the facts! Actually, please cross out the “funny ". It is rather “pathetic ".
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