Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Trump chose Neomi Rao to replace Kavanaugh on appeal

Trump Neomi Rao Kavanaugh

President Donald Trump said on Tuesday that he would nominate conservative lawyer Neomi Rao, known for her strong anti-rule views, in place of newly appointed US Supreme Court Brett Kavanaugh.

Trump chose conservative Neomi Rao to replace Kavanaugh on appeal

Rao is currently Trump's top official on legal issues. Trump, whose government has reversed a series of environmental and other issues since he took office last year, made a statement at a White House ceremony honoring Diwali, a Hindu festival. Rao's parents are Indians.

"She's going to be great - a great person," Trump said. "Thank you so much, Mr. President, for the confidence you have shown me. I appreciate that, "Rao said.

If confirmed by the Senate, controlled by Republican Trump, Rao will replace Kavanaugh on the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, which hears the vast majority of cases of the legality of the federal regulations.
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