Wednesday, December 12, 2018

The grab of Trump and Pelosi on national television

Trump and Pelosi

These are scenes that in fact do not allow any description other than "bizarre": Donald Trump gets in the Oval Office with top representatives of the Democrats violently together - while the TV cameras are running. Especially a statement of the US President causes a stir.

In a most extraordinary scene, US President Donald Trump has lost his way with leading opposition figures in front of running cameras in the Oval Office.
His heated talk on Tuesday with Democratic leaders in the House and Senate, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, was about the federal budget and financing the construction of the Wall on the Mexican border.

Trump's statement caused a sensation: if he did not get the money he wanted for the wall, he would "shut down the government," threatened the US president. He meant thereby a budget lock, which leads to the decommissioning of federal authorities. Trump wants Congress to grant him $ 5 billion (4.4 billion euros) to build the Wall.

 Nancy Pelosi: Should not debate about it in front of the press

According to her opinion, it was the will of the citizens that the federal authorities continued to work, countered Pelosi during the nearly 20-minute conversation in front of cameras. She also said, "I do not think we should have a debate about it in front of the press."
Schumer snapped back: "Elections have consequences, Mr. President." He alluded to the fact that his party Trump's Republicans in the congressional elections in November, the majority in the House of Representatives could wrestle.

Such a heated verbal battle in front of cameras in the Oval Office is a rare spectacle. Usually, even with sharp political differences, friendly and diplomatic words are usually exchanged on these occasions.

 Donald Trump and the Democratic leaders maintained an unprecedented

After her visit to the White House Pelosi was in her criticism of the President even clearer: Through his "rage attack" he will not get his wall, she said.

However, the President and Congress are under increasing time pressure in the current budget dispute. Additional funds must be released by 21 December to avoid partial closure by the US Federal Government. Democrats want to release 1.6 billion dollars for border protection
Although Trump's Republicans are still dominating both chambers of the Congress, the new Congress will not convene until January. But for all budget laws, 60 of the 100 votes are needed in the Senate. The Republicans currently have 51 seats there, so they need at least nine votes from the opposition.

 Pelosi attributes to Trump's "question of virility" his insistence

The Democrats have offered to release $ 1.6 billion for border security. But they do not want the funds to be used for Trump's wall project.

At the beginning of the year, there had already been two shutdowns by the federal authorities in the USA. But they lasted only a few days, because then quickly made budget compromises.

The opposition may block all of Trump's legislative proposals in the future
The current budget negotiations are considered the first practical test of the new power relations in Washington - that is, whether Trump's at least a one-off cooperation with the Democrats is possible.

With its future majority in the House of Representatives, the opposition party can block all Republican legislation and parts of Trump's agenda.

Incidentally, Pelosi will likely be elected as the new House Chairperson in January. This is the third highest office in the state, according to the president and vice president. As the first woman in US history, she was already at the Congress Chamber between 2007 and 2011.

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